Foxtrotcharlie - A journey to ADS-B tracking with Raspberry Pi

Aircraft Operated by Arab Wings

There are currently 55085 aircraft, including 4998 special aircraft in my database. There are also 12861 unidentified aircraft and 912 reallocated ModeS codes.

ModeS Hex Code
Tail Number
You can also access my database of aircraft and airports through the following API.

ModeS Hex Code Registration Aircraft Airline/Operator Country First Seen (UTC) Last Seen (UTC) CallSign
740443JY-ABCEmbraer Legacy 600Arab WingsJordan2020-01-28 17:09:042024-11-20 14:43:01
740D29JY-CIIEmbraer Legacy 650Arab WingsJordan2020-02-02 16:19:312024-11-18 12:48:52
42475FVP-CCCEmbraer Lineage 1000Arab WingsUnited Kingdom2019-03-20 06:02:022024-10-31 08:18:41
4241D6VP-CASBombardier Challenger 604Arab WingsCayman Islands2022-05-05 12:14:082024-09-30 15:41:47
50011FT7-PALBoeing 737NG 7GJ/W BbjArab WingsSan Marino2020-02-12 06:04:432024-09-27 02:40:13
4247ABVP-CIIEmbraer Legacy 650Arab WingsUnited Kingdom2020-02-24 07:17:382023-08-29 10:29:41
4850A0P4-MAACessna Citation XArab WingsNetherlands2023-03-01 10:05:422023-03-01 10:28:10